Overwatch Fans Share Which Rejected Prometheus Heroes They'd Add To The Game

Overwatch 2 has a pretty wide range of characters to choose from, as Heroes have been steadily added ever since the first Game's launch back in 2016. Just like with most video Game projects, some potential characters were left on the cutting room floor back when Overwatch was known as Prometheus during development.

For those that don't know, Blizzard employees were tasked with creating their own characters for Prometheus, some of which made it into the final Game. Characters like Winston and Reaper were largely unchanged, while characters that we know as Echo and Soldier 76 were originally called Iris and Troy. Then there are those that were eventually rejected which are the focus of today's story, as Overwatch players are discussing which they'd like to see revived and added to the Game.


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If you visit the thread yourself, you'll quickly notice that the vast majority of those commenting would really like to see Mama Hong added to the base Game, just for how unique of a character she'd be. Seemingly inspired by the landlady from Kung Fu Hustle, she would've also had an ability called "Manslaughter." Quite what that would entail will have to be left to your imagination.

If you could make Blizzard add one beta/rejected hero from "Prometheus" into Overwatch 2, which one would it be and why? from Overwatch

Then you have several Overwatch fans picking concept characters like Recluse and Psyblade for very surface-level reasons of which you can probably guess if you find their portraits in the featured image. Although, one tries to justify themselves by explaining that a huge spider lady that can cling to walls would be pretty cool to play as.

McCloud is also another popular pick, who appears to be a chiseled Scottish warrior that wields a Claymore. Several want him in there for the representation, although u/youshouldbeelswyr would prefer a name change to something more realistically Scottish should Blizzard ever decide to revive him. It also helps that McCloud does look a lot like an Overwatch character from his design already, so making the leap would be pretty easy. We'll just have to wait and see whether the Overwatch community gets their wish.

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