Team Fortress 2 Finally Gets Update, Adds Community Fix Tags To Workshop

Team Fortress 2 finally got an update last night, and while it isn't the Summer-themed "full-on update-sized update" teased in February (that was later downsized), it's a sight for sore eyes. It fixes bugs such as duplicating bullet effects, and adds a new Workshop tag for community fixes.

The duplicating bullet effects fix is actually one from the community, and so it seems as though this new Workshop tag is being implemented in a bid to make community patches more visible and easier to apply to the entire Game, essentially working with modders to iron out TF2's kinks.

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The full list of patch notes can be found on the TF2 subreddit here, but an important highlight is that several of the listed notes are community fixes. "Fixed Stat Clock cancelling out UberCharge and self-illuminating materials on weapons using War Paints" and "Deleted some unused Steam API queries to improve client [performance]" are two such examples.

The Heavy prepares his weapon

Someone who crops up across several of the bug fixes in the patch notes is a modder by the name of mastercoms, who is the Tech Director on Project Borealis (a fan-made Half-Life Game bringing to life lead writer Mark Laidlaw's epistle 3). Several have suggested that Valve should hire mastercoms given how many of their fixes were implemented in this patch, but given Valve's structure, this seems unlikely.

The most exciting part of this update among the community appears to be the Workshop tagging, as many hope it means that Valve will be more likely to implement community-made fixes into the Game itself. The end result of all this is a more stable TF2, whether it comes from Valve or its players.

There are also new tags for Summer and Player Destruction, which has others hoping that Player Destruction will get its own dedicated tab in the core Game modes section. For context, PD is a mode where everyone drops a collectable when killed, and you then have to take these to a location for a deposit to earn score points. The most points win. Right now, it's mostly used for seasonal maps, but given the tag, there's a possibility it'll branch outward into standard ones.

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