Player Makes Timeline Of Games Charting Human Evolution, From Far Cry Primal To Cyberpunk 2077
One enterprising player has created a timeline that would allow Game rs to go through the span of human History , offering a sequential experience of the evolution of society. Of course they could have just put Spore or Civilisation on the list, but that wouldn't have been a particularly interesting post. On the Gaming subreddit the timeline comes courtesy of user ucankabak with a list of over 20 titles that charts human history from pre-history all the way to the distant future. Related: Outer Wilds Truly Understands Its Scientists The chart has invited conversation and debate as well since commentors argue what has been left out and what should have been included. The timeline does rely heavily on the Assassin's Creed series, which is famous for dropping in on many different time periods, from Revolutionary Paris to Ptolemaic Egypt to Ancient Greece. THEGAMER VIDEO OF THE DAY I've made a chronological videogame timeline which you can experie...